How the Marketplace Works?


The Products are Supplied by Somma.Aero?

Somma.Aero is an Aviation Marketplace, we work as Hub where you will find several parts from several suppliers. We make sure that your money goes to the supplier only when the item is delivered to you and everything is as it should be.

How shipping works?

We use an API called Easy Post, that calculates the estimated shipping cost for various shipping methods available.

The shipping cost considers the Supplier address and yours, not Somma.Aero address.

How to proceed If I have an issue with the purchase?

You should contact us and explain the situation so we can work with the supplier to solve your issue, either refunding you or sending you a replacement item if available on the supplier. 

How secure is my Card Information?

We use Stripe as our Payment Gateway, we don’t store any of your payment info as all the payments are processed but their API. So its totally safe to use your credit card here.


How to list my products?

To list your products you need to Create a Supplier Account on our website, during this proccess you will have to fill your Address and Company or Personal information, after accessing you Vendor Dashboard, you will be able to add your products (remember to add dimensions and weight) and also to setup your method of payment (Stripe Connect or ACH). All of your products will be evaluated by the Website admin and published right after.

What's the Platform fee?

We work with a 10% fee for our platform + 4% from Stripe. We use this fee to invest on marketing, payment security and make the business sustainable.

How do I receive my Payments?

You will receive your payments on your Stripe connect account or via ACH (if stripe is not setup), the transfer will happen when the goods are delivered and the order is tagged as finished or when Stripe make the funds available (when paid via Credit Card)

Is it possible to sell as an Individual?

Yes, however you still need to comply with the business and tax regulations in place in your area.

Do you provide Invoice for the fee charged?

Yes we are able to provide Invoices for the Marketplace fees.

Company Value

Somma. Aero’s primary value is ethics and morals, which are scarce these days; it is not difficult to see companies that work illegally or lack ethics, even in aviation, which should be a more rigid segment.

Our Community

In this new network, we hope to welcome serious companies and passionate aviation enthusiasts who want to buy and sell their equipment or items in a clear and serious way. Honesty must be above any other interest.